Shower Curtain

Our popup has a shower. Yes! And a potty. Yes! All in one, tiny little "room", that is seriously the best part for me. The last time we went "tent camping", I had to pee in the wee hours of the night. And I don't pee outside. I mean, I'm a boy mom and all, but really, that's a no go for me. You won't catch me popping a squat. Ever. So I had to wake up at 4am, pitch black, start the truck (I'm sure I woke up nearly every camp site around us), go up to the communal restrooms, and prayed to the Lord the entire time that a serial killer was not hiding in one of the stalls. NEVER AGAIN.

So after our first trip out with the popup, I noticed that the shower curtain was white vinyl. Cheap, thin, white vinyl. Nothing wrong with it--did the job of making privacy, but it added nothing to the decor of the popup. And I needed something cute to add a little color.

I found a shower curtain at Target that I fell in love with:

Color was just blue enough to add some color, but soft enough to not jump out at you. So pretty! I brought it home and instantly hung it up. It was perfect--or so I thought. Once the floors were done, the cushions were in, and the bedding was sitting on the beds, the color of the shower curtain struck me as odd. Hmmmmm...

Ah. Because it was WHITE and everything else in the camper was ANTIQUE WHITE. Oh the horror! No one else would have noticed it, I'm sure. But I did. And it would bug me. As I'm sitting staring at the shower curtain, I said to my mom "Huh, wonder if we could tea-stain it? Wouldn't that turn it a little more off white/brown?" Yes it would! And so I stained it.

I didn't follow any special "recipe" and I'm sure there are MANY on the internet. I just made a bunch of pitchers of tea and threw the shower curtain in the sink! 

It just antiqued it enough to take the stark white out of the curtain. 

Ignore the horrible pictures. I shot them really quick in my kitchen, under those terrible translucent lights. :( Sorry. You'll see the full effect in the "after" pictures coming soon!

BONUS: We have this bar that you use to flip the kitchen over when putting popup up down and away. But it was an ugly brown. After we painted cabinets, I had bought contact paper for the drawers...and it ended up being nearly the same design as the shower curtain!....but, It's white. Oh well! I like it!

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